SpinJoy HooperCast: Episode 15

SpinJoy HooperCast: Episode 15 – Interview with Mary Gargett

SURPRISE: We get a guest in the booth – Mary Gargett spills the beans on her magical life. A multi-disciplinary artist, Mary gives us her hooper origin story, some words of wisdom, some focused insights, and just a jolly fun time of an interview.
Her pristine stage work inspires this question from Caitie: What’s your process? Song inspo, combo drops and ‘pots of soup’!
Oh to be a fly on the wall! We quiz circlegirl about her training routine. What does a ‘day-in-the-life’ look like for a professional circus artist. Caitie: ‘Do you have, like, a leg day?’ How should we think about training as artists?
What does it take to do this full-time all the time?
You can scope out Mary’s crazy talent (and say HI!) on Instagram, Facebook or check out Vernados Circus where she currently works and March Fourth where it all started!

 Mary & Fallon

Mary tells us about her mentoring experience. Hoop Protege Fallon has a dream, chases the dream, is achieving all the dreams with Mary’s help, and our hearts are OFFICIALLY warmed.
View the adorable vibes here:


Tricky Shit

Tricky Shit: Blue Tornado!
FLOOR work FOOT work. We lahv it. Check out this video Mary drilling the bejesus out of this move!


Hot Hoop Tracks

Mary’s HHT – ‘Koto’ by CloZee – Spotify 

‘Opposites Attract’ – Paula Abdul  – Spotify

‘Footloose’ -Kenny Loggins – Spotify

Follow the SpinJoy HooperCast playlist on Spotify here.

Thanks to Monarchy for letting us use their track ‘Hula Hoop 8000’ as The Hoopercast theme song. You can listen to on Soundcloud/Spotify/iTunes and find them on Facebook and Instagram.

If you have any questions, information or topics for discussion in a later podcast episode, you can contact Phoebe and Caitlyn on info@spinjoy.com.au